TDRS music started as an online distribution service for music recorded here at the studio. We started an online store in 1998. At the time, online music sales independent of big labels and retailers was rare; as a matter of fact, it was rare period. This was before Amazon and iTunes.
The first CDs we offered were Viggo's "One Less Thing To Worry About" and Buckethead's "DCK Tunnel" -- a couple of eclectic choices for sure, and sales were mighty slow to begin with, but those CDs did set the tone for the kind of alternative
independent source of music we wanted to be.
Although still a tiny blip on the radar by any commercial standards, we have expanded the catalog of artists and music considerably, and I'm proud of the artists and music we have produced here over the years.
Below is a list of the artists who have produced and distributed music here. -- Travis
First and foremost, it's all about me! That is, I first moved to L.A. with my brothers in a band, and it's always been about making records for myself or producing, playing, composing and songwriting with other artists I respect.
I started this studio not as a commercial enterprise but as a place to record my own music. I have been so lucky to meet and work with other amazing musicians and songwriters,
and TDRS has been all about being as hands-on as I can be in every aspect of the writing and recording process.
So, there are a lot of my records here and records I participated in. Click on the link below and it will take you to my artist page for a list of the things I have participated in that are available here.
Buckethead, the enigmatic and superb guitarist, first started working here in 1996. We started working together on Viggo's "One Less Thing To Worry About" and found the experience so enjoyable, we just continued. We have done many of his records, as well as records we've collaborated on or that he has contributed to.
Buckethead has been a big part of what we have done at TDRS over the years. Even though we are a generation apart in age, he has a true love of all kinds of music and shares a similar
aesthetic when it comes to the classic era of rock. We've had a great time.
Click on the Buckethead artist page; there are a few photos I took over the years and some recollections.
Viggo is a talented actor, artist (painting and photography), poet and musician.
DJ Bonebrake first introduced me to Viggo at a Tony Gilkyson show around 1995. Viggo -- once married to Exene and having a son with her, Henry (also very talented and a TDRS contributor) --
was still a part of the X family.
Sometime later I got a call from Viggo asking for some help with a recording of a live performance he had done with a band at KCRW that he wanted to release as "Don't Tell Me What To Do."
Shortly after that, we began to work on "One Less Thing To Worry About" with Buckethead, and we have been making and releasing records ever since.
Viggo and Elijah Wood
Vince DiCola is an extraordinary keyboard player, composer and producer. His film scores for "Rocky IV" and particularly the wicked analog-keyboard-driven soundtrack to the original "Transformers" movie have left him a cult hero among the faithful and appreciated by fellow musicians and music lovers alike. Vince was introduced to me by Ellis Hall, an amazingly talented player and singer who had been working here. Coming from an R&B background, Ellis intrigued me when he mentioned he was working on a record with members of Jethro Tull. I then met both Vince and Jethro Tull drummer Doane Perry and mastered their amazing record "Thread." This was the beginning of a terrific working and personal relationship with both of them. Vince has recorded several records here, including "Pity The Rich" and "DPI," both with Doane and bassist Paul Ill, another TDRS collaborator.
Vince, Doane and Paul making "DPI"
Read more at the Vince DiCola artist pageAlix is a gifted writer and multimedia artist.
As a writer she has been nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award for her work on "Deadwood."
I met Alix through Viggo when she was serving as a consultant on the film "Eastern Promises."
Alix had a great idea for a record, and I wanted to be a part of it. Together we made "Running After Deer."
DJ Bonebrake first emerged as the drummer of the Eyes (also featuring Charlotte Caffey of the Go-Gos), but he is best known as an original member of and current drummer for the band X.
He is also a member of the country-folk-punk band The Knitters.
He is a gifted all-around musician, collaborator and friend. We have worked together for almost 30 years. He has contributed to many, many projects here.
You can find him on my solo records and records with Buckethead, Viggo Mortensen, Alix Lambert and many other records made here.
DJ also heads two jazz groups: the Bonebrake Syncopaters, who play classical jazz, and the Afro-Cuban and Latin-inspired Orchestra Superstring.
Lindy Dickerson, my brother, is a gifted guitarist and singer-songwriter. His guitar can be heard on many projects done here, including my solo records and our recent in-studio videos (check the videos section). We also recorded his solo CD here.
Brain is best known for his work with Primus and Guns N' Roses. But he has also been a collaborator with Buckethead for many years and has worked here at TDRS on many projects, including "The Dragons of Eden" and my solo project "Iconography."
We have made many records here over the years. I have a special relationship with many of the artists.
I have recorded and produced many X recordings as well as individual members. webpage
John and I have made many records together. webpage
Excene and I have made several of her solo recording her as well as her band "Auntie Christ". webpage
The Lone Justice and X guitarist has worked on many projects here, including his solo records. webpage
Singer-songwriter. LA's own, great singer songwriter, Lysa has made many records here. webpage
Terrific singer-songwriter. Her CD includes performances by me, Lindy, DJ and Cameron Stone. Webpage
I have produced many of Falling Moon's records here. They include performances by me and by DJ. Falling Moon Homepage
We have worked together on many solo and Plimsouls projects webpage